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Rudra Patel

Why Squats are the BEST Leg Exercise

Many individuals try different exercises every single week in attempts to "better optimize" their workouts to boost their muscle growth and to keep their workouts fresh.

Although changing your workouts aren't a bad idea if it's every once in a while (anywhere from 2-3 months is fine), as it keeps your workouts fresh and interesting, as well as prevents your body from getting used to your exercise routine.

Many people often try different leg exercises in order to boost their leg growth, they are constantly looking up videos on the "best exercises for ....". For some muscle groups, there are multiple exercises that can be considered the best.

However, the BEST exercise for legs, has to be the SQUAT. The squat is the MOST classic and original exercise's in bodybuilding. It provides overall leg growth to almost every muscle group in the leg and it is MOST versatile exercise for muscle growth.

In this article, I will be going over numerous reasons why the squat is the best leg exercise for developing strong and muscular leg muscles.

I will touch base on different squat variations but my MAIN FOCUS will be on the standard BARBELL SQUAT, as it is the best squat variation and is the primary focus for this article!


Table of Contents


1. Versatility of Squats

The best part of squats, is that there are SO MANY variations of squats that can help you isolate certain muscles of the legs.

The best variations of squats are the hack squat, sissy squat and most importantly the normal barbell squat as they are incredible for activating the leg muscles and they are the best squat variations that are proven for better muscle growth, have the most potential for progressive overload and are guaranteed to make your legs sore the next day!

  1. Normal Squats: Usually done with a standard barbell, these are the CLASSIC squats as they can easily have weight added to them and are the best for overall leg growth.

man doing squats

2. Hack Squat: This is the squat that is done on the hack squat machine. This machine has better stability and makes it more comfortable for adding more weight.

hack squat

3. Sissy Squats: When done properly, these are the squats that will provide maximum activation for your quad muscles.

man doing sissy squat

There are numerous other squat variations but they are not as advanced nor effective as these. The versatility of squats is a HUGE factor in why the squat is the BEST exercise for leg growth.


2. Why are Squats so Great for Muscle Growth

The reason why squats (primarily the barbell squat) is the BEST exercise for muscle growth is because they target all of the major muscles in the legs.

Your squat weight has the MOST potential of being increased when you progressive overload, this means doing more weight or reps than the last workout you did that exercise.

By progressively overloading squats, your leg muscles and overall leg strength will increase. Also, squats are the ULTIMATE test of leg strength as it is the BEST leg exercise and one of the most popular compound exercises in the WORLD!

They are classic and provide great muscle activation, don't believe me? Why don't you go try some squats yourself!

Muscle Groups that are Hit by Squats:

  • Quads: They are used to support the initial pressing movement in the squat, they are doing most of the of the pushing in the movement.

  • Hamstrings: These muscles are used to support the quads in the MAIN pressing movement of the squat.

  • Glutes: Your glutes are used to support the part of the squat where you need extra assistance to get back up from squatting down.

  • Abs: Your abdominal muscles are used to brace your body when you are starting the initial squat.

Everyday Benefits of doing Regular Squats:

  • Better Mobility with your legs

  • Stronger legs which can decrease leg problems in the future

  • Reduces risk of injury

  • Enhances physical performance


3. How to Combat Sore Knees from Squats

The main complication for barbell squats is the fact that they can cause significant pain and soreness to the knees. This doesn't happen to everybody and can easily be prevented/combated.

The reason why your knee hurts when squatting is because the depth you get in the squatting motion can put some tension on your knees as your are constantly using your knees to stabilize your legs.

Sore knees from squats can be combated by doing mobility exercises for your knees so they are less likely to be injured when doing squats, an example of this can be walking backwards on a treadmill when it's inclined.

Compression Knee Sleeves:

When your knee hurts when squatting, the main solution you can use is to get some compression knee sleeves. These sleeves will be able to put extra support and tension on your knees when you are doing squats.

These sleeves will add warmth and better stability while doing squats which will decrease your chance of getting knee soreness or a knee injury by a LARGE amount.

If you are looking for some compression knee sleeves, here is a great choice:

Iron Bull Strength Knee Sleeves

Product Information

  • Supports joints and legs

  • Anti-Slip Technology

  • 7mm Thickness

  • Ultimate Knee Compression

  • Best Powerlifting Knee Sleeves

Description: Iron Bull Strength Compression Knee Sleeves are one of the best staple fitness accessories in the world. The brand itself is one of the most trusted brands in the world! The anti-slip technology provided by these sleeves make them super reliable to use in the gym! If you are a beginner lifter or simply suffer with knee pain, these are a great choice as they aren't too fancy but still get the job done. 


4. How many Squats Should I do? (Volume)

A lot of people do a high volume of squats and some people do a low volume for squats, the answer to "how many squats should I do?" is based on preference.

My Guideline for Squat Volume:

  • Do at least 2-3 warmup sets before working up to your top set (the set where you do the maximum amount of weight you planned to do for squats in your workout)

  • Do at least 2-3 top sets with great depth, controlling the weight and with maximum effort

  • If you are doing less reps and more weight, do MORE sets

  • If you are doing more reps and less weight, do LESS sets

  • Try to incorporate drop sets to give your legs an extra push!


5. The Legacy of Squats

Squats have been part of a legacy of bodybuilding, ever since the beginning of bodybuilding people have used squats to grow their legs and increase their muscle mass and strength.

There are TONS of big names that have praised squats for being the best exercise for legs in the WHOLE WORLD.

The MOST famous one being Tom Platz, nicknamed the "Quad Father" (as he had massive quadriceps muscles), he always promoted barbell squats as the BEST exercise for leg development!

tom platz
As you can see, he seems to know a LOT about leg development



Overall, the barbell squat is by far the MOST beneficial leg exercise to build muscle mass in the legs and strength!

Squats have an undisputed effectiveness in targeting the quadriceps, hamstrings, glutes and core that allow them to become an exercise that can be multi-purpose.

There isn't just the physical benefits of squats, but squats also promote the functional patterns of movement for common activities that you would do EVERY DAY, this reduces overall injury risk and enhances physical performance.

A great combination of good volume, good form, knee protection and progressive overload will GUARANTEE you stronger and bigger legs on squats (if you're getting good sleep and taking care of your nutrition).

Thanks for reading and have a great day! Good luck with the squats!

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