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Barbell Weights

About Us

My Story

When I was younger, fitness was the last thing on my mind. Although I did love playing sports, I just never seemed to care about my nutrition which led me to gain a lot of weight at a very young age. It wasn't until I was introduced to the gym was when I actually started to take my physical health much more seriously. I started this blog because wanted to show people the importance of fitness and how it can make you feel healthier, happier, more confident and live a longer life. 


The posts in this blog are a combination of things that I have learned throughout my fitness journey, as well as things that I have learned from others. Whether you are a beginner or even an experienced gym goer, my content can surely help you gain some better insights on the world of fitness. 


I would just like to end by saying that fitness has changed my life for the better, I am a much better man today than I was 2 years ago when I didn't take my health seriously. This is because of all the things that I have learned from going to the gym!

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