When it comes to bulking, it is crucial to focus on nutrient-dense foods that will help you put on the most amount of lean muscle mass. Make sure the foods you are eating provide a great balance of the 3 carbohydrates which are protein, fats and carbohydrates.
On a bulk a person is in a caloric surplus, and while in this surplus it is extremely important to have a balanced and healthy diet which is known as a lean bulk.
Try to avoid ingesting lots of unhealthy food for the sole reason that you want to get as many calories in your body as possible, this is called a dirty bulk.
Although unhealthy food genuinely tends to have more calories, ingesting a lot of it in attempts to gain muscle and strength will also leave you with a lot of unwanted body fat.
This is why it is better to pursue a lean bulk. Of course in a lean bulk it is okay to eat other foods that are not necessarily healthy as long as there is a healthy balance. Of all the bulking tips that I can give you, the number 1 tip is to LEAN bulk.
In today's article we will be discussing some foods that are high in calories and in protein that will make bulking much easier. There are plenty of good foods for bulking, but these 5 are ones that are NECCESSARY for a bulking diet.
So let's jump into some of the best foods for bulking!
1. Peanut Butter

Peanut butter is a great addition to a bulk for many reasons. First of all it is calorie-dense which means there are a significant amount of calories in just a small portion of peanut butter which makes eating in a caloric surplus much easier.
Furthermore, peanut butter contains healthy fats, such as monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats which provide lots of energy in the body as well as enhanced hormone production.
Moving on, peanut butter contains a considerable quantity of protein, which is necessary for muscle repair and growth. It also contains a variety of vitamins and minerals that benefit general wellness.
You can add peanut butter to MANY meals for bulking, you can add it to bread, to sweets and even your protein shakes (highly recommended).
Lastly, peanut butter is a super convenient and versatile food, you can include it in many foods such as protein shakes, sandwiches, oats and even fruits. This makes it an easy food to eat while bulking.
Overall, peanut butter is a great food to support the caloric surplus, muscle growth and weight gain.
2. Whole Milk

Because of its larger calorie and nutrient content, whole milk is an excellent choice for bulking. Its calorie density makes it easier to consume the extra calories required for muscle building and weight gain.
Whole milk's nutritious fats give concentrated energy and aid in hormone production. Whole milk is also high in protein and has vital amino acids, which are required for muscle repair and growth.
It is also rich in important nutrients like calcium, vitamin D, phosphorus, and vitamin B12. The convenience of whole milk makes it easy to incorporate into a bulking diet.
It wouldn't be a bad idea to add a glass of milk when your eating your meals for bulking!
Furthermore, is dense in a lot of important vitamins and nutrients such as vitamin D, phosphorus, calcium and vitamin B12, the convenience of whole milk makes it easier to incorporate in your bulking diet.
However, drink it in moderation as it is high in saturated fats.
3. Red Meats

Red meats, such as beef and pork, provide serval bulking benefits. They are rich in protein and they provide essential amino acids that are crucial for muscle growth and repair, making them one of the BEST foods for bulking.
Red meats are also calorie-dense, aiding in achieving caloric surplus goals that are required to gain weight and build more muscle tissue.
They also contain important minerals including iron, zinc, vitamin B12, and creatine, which help with energy production, immunological function, and overall muscle development.
While moderation is key, including lean cuts of red meat into a healthy diet can be an effective way to enhance muscle building during a bulk.
4. Legumes

Legumes, including beans, lentils, and chickpeas, offer multiple advantages for bulking. They act as good bulking foods as their composition between fats, carbs and proteins are SUPER balanced.
They are very protein dense, providing the main macronutrient for muscle growth and repair. Legumes are also comprised of complex carbohydrates that aid healthy energy release while exercising.
Legumes aid digestion and help manage blood sugar levels due to their high fiber content. Furthermore, legumes are nutrient-dense, providing vital vitamins and minerals.
Their versatility in various dishes and budget-friendly nature make them a valuable addition to a bulking diet, providing a cost-effective source of protein and carbohydrates.
They are budget friendly and are used in 1000s of dishes all over the world. They are a very important addition to a bulking as they are a cheap source of protein and complex carbohydrates.
5. Mass Gainer
For more information about these products, scroll down!
Mass gainers are popular among people who want to bulk up for a variety of reasons. To begin, mass gainers are calorie-dense supplements that are designed to give a substantial number of calories in a handy and easy-to-consume form.
This can help people who are having difficulty meeting their increased calorie needs for bulking with ordinary diet alone.
Second, mass gainers often include a protein blend, particularly whey protein, which promotes muscle growth and repair.
They are often fortified with additional amino acids, such as creatine, to enhance strength and power during workouts. They are formulated with extra amino acids, such as creatine to enhance strength and power while exercising.
Finally, carbohydrates are often added to mass gainers to replace glycogen stores and fuel strenuous exercises.
They can be a convenient option for those who find it difficult to ingest huge amounts of food or who have a high metabolic rate.
It is important to note that real foods should still be the foundation of your balanced bulking diet, mass gainers and other supplements should only be viewed and used as a supplement rather than a replacement for your bulking meals.
Here are a few popular Mass Gainers below!
Product Information
Super High in Calories
Lots of BCAAs (great for protein absorption)
Delicious Flavours
Dense in Protein
Includes High amounts of Leucine, used to absorb protein

Product Information
High in calories
Dense in Protein
Tested for Banned Substances
Formula Designed for Muscle Growth
Reputable Brand
Product Information
Has a great Macronutrient Balance
Dense in Protein
Dense in Calories
Lots of Servings
Easy to Mix
How to Lean Bulk
To finish off on this guide, let's finish up on how to lean bulk. Lean bulking is a longer process but going on a lean bulk is one of the best bulking tips I can give to any individual.
This is because in a lean bulk, you focus on good bulking foods that are healthy for the body and will help you build muscle mass at a faster rate than junk food.
Bulking Tips on How to Lean Bulk:
Eat only around 300-400 calories in the surplus
Make sure you incorporate healthy carbs, fats and protein
Minimize junk food (but don't take it out as we are all human and a little bit of junk food every once in a while won't hinder progress)
Exercise at LEAST 4 time a week
Keep your protein intake high
Do regular cardio (make sure you eat to make up for what you burned for cardio)
Overall, these foods are some of the best foods that you can eat when you are in a bulking phase. They are all calorie dense and include vital macronutrients as well as minerals and vitamins.
If you want to successfully bulk, then you should definitely find some recipes that include these foods, and add them to your diet.
Thank you for reading and until next time!

Just a young man trying to bring fitness to the world!