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Rudra Patel

The ONLY 5 Cable Chest Exercises You Need for Bigger Pecs

When training various parts of the body, resistance training with weights often seems like a go to way to train the body part.

When training the chest, there are LOTS of routes you can take to effectively train the chest. Calisthenics, weights, and CABLES.

One of the most important pieces of equipment in the gym is the cable machines. Cables are FANTASTIC, not just for chest growth, but for the growth of MANY other muscles in the body.

Cable chest exercises are SUPER effective ways to build a strong and developed chest.

Today we will be going over why cables are so great for building muscle, chest anatomy, and then we'll show you the TOP 5 cable exercises for the chest!


Basic Anatomy of the Chest

Before we dive into how to build your chest, it is important for you to understand the basic chest anatomy in order for you to understand your muscle groups.

People who know their muscle groups in depth, are more likely to succeed in building lean muscle mass, as they know how to train their muscles, and which muscles to target.

There are 3 main parts of the chest that you must know, this is the UPPER CHEST, MIDDLE chest and the LOWER chest. Refer to the diagram below to understand where they are located in the body.

Diagram of the chest
It's always good to understand your body's muscular components


  • Although it doesn't seem like it on the diagram, it makes up of roughly 2/3 of your chest.

  • It is the most important chest muscle because it has the most mass.

  • Gets trained when doing incline movements for the chest.


  • The middle part of the chest

  • It is the chest muscle with the second most mass, but it's still important for chest aesthetics

  • Gets trained when with flat chest movements.


  • Lower part of the chest

  • Has the least amount of mass in the chest, but it is still important for that rounded chest look at the bottom of the chest

  • Gets trained with decline chest movements

It is incredibly important to understand chest anatomy to know which exercises train which muscles in the chest.


Why Cable Exercises?

There are so many other means of training for the chest. However the cables are a special piece of equipment in the gym, the reason for this is because it provides a LOT of benefits.

When it comes to hypertrophy training, the cables allow you to push weight in a more controlled fashion, as there is more stability.

Also, cable machines have tension on the muscles throughout the ENTIRE REP, so even when you're done a rep, when you are on the eccentric (the lowering phase after the rep), you will still feel a great burn.

Cable machines are also SUPER versatile with the ability to handle different attachments to different exercises.

Overall, cable machines aren't ONLY good for chest exercises, but they are FANTASTIC for numerous other exercises!

cable machine in gym



1. Cable Crossover

2. Cable Bench Press

3. Cable Incline Press

4. Incline Cable Fly

5. Single Arm Cable Fly


1. Cable Crossover

man doing chest exercise on cable machine

The cable crossover is a staple cable exercise for the chest. It works your entire pecs effectively and will provide a GREAT burn. This exercise is GREAT at targeting the lower pec!

Needed Equipment:

  • Handles

  • Cable Tower

How to do:

  1. Bring the cables at the cable tower at shoulder height

  2. Set a weight that can get you around 12 reps

  3. Bring the handles into your chest to start the movement and then lean slightly forward

  4. Then, "cross" into your arms in a controlled fashion by also keeping your shoulders in place

  5. Complete 10-12 reps per set


2. Cable Bench Press

man doing cable bench press

This exercise mimics a traditional bench press, but provides many added benefits as it is using a cable machine. This will increase the tension in your chest as well prevent injury!

Equipment Needed:

  • 2 Cable Towers

  • Flat Bench

  • Handles

How to do:

  1. Bring a bench in the middle of 2 cable towers

  2. Set the cables to where you can complete a full rep and still reach the cable when starting the movement

  3. To start, pull in the cable to your chest from the cable tower, then start pushing upwards, away from your chest (as shown in the picture above)

  4. Complete this for 8-10 reps per set


3. Cable Incline Press

This is similar to the regular cable press, however the bench is inclined to show emphasis to the upper pec muscle. This is fantastic for providing great tension to the upper chest.

Equipment Needed:

  • 2 Cable Towers

  • Adjustable Bench (15-30 Degrees)

  • Handles

How to do:

  1. Bring a bench in the middle of 2 cable towers with the setting set to 15-30 degrees

  2. Set the cables to where you can complete a full rep and still reach the cable when starting the movement

  3. To start, pull in the cable to your chest from the cable tower, then start pushing upwards, away from your chest (as shown in the picture above)

  4. Complete this for 8-10 reps per set


4. Incline Cable Fly

man doing incline cable exercise

The incline cable fly is one of the best cable chest exercises as it is a fly movement mixed in with an incline exercise. The upper pec as always the best pec to develop as it makes up of most of your chest and contributes a LOT to aesthetic.

Equipment Needed:

  • 2 Cable Towers

  • Adjustable Bench

  • Cable Handles

How to do:

  1. Bring an adjustable bench in the MIDDLE of 2 cable towers

  2. Set both handles on the lowest cable setting

  3. Bring the handles in the position above

  4. Start doing a fly movement over your upper chest, keep your shoulders locked and controlled

  5. Aim for 10-15 reps per set


5. Single Arm Cable Fly

This exercise is FANTASTIC for building your chest and also dealing with muscular imbalanced in your chest and your arms. This exercise helps with stability!

Equipment Needed:

  • Cable Tower

  • Cable Handle

How to do:

  1. Set cable machine just above shoulder height

  2. Stand 1-2 steps away from the cable machine

  3. Take your hand closest to the cable tower and grab the handle

  4. Proceed to do a fly movement with your arm straight out in front of you, keep your should in place

  5. Repeat for other arm

  6. Aim for 8-10 reps per set


Before I sign off, it is SUPER important to look at some other aspects of bodybuilding that will help you grow your chest. I only gave you a chest routine, it's YOUR job that you use the rest of the advice I'm going to give. Without it you WON'T GROW.

Additional Tips for Muscle Gain

  • Nutrition: Make sure to get a good protein intake as well as eating whole and healthy foods! Gains are made in the kitchen!

  • Sleep: Aim for about 7-9 hours of sleep every night for adequate rest and recovery.

  • Progressive Overload: Make sure you are doing either more weight or more reps than the last time you did an exercise in the previous workout. This will ensure your muscles are under a lot of pressure and will be the basis of your training.

  • Consistency: You must be consistent in your training, recovery and nutrition. If you are not consistent, you will not grow!

  • Rest and Recovery: Allow your muscles good rest in between workouts, do not train a muscle group if it is still sore from it's last workout. The golden rule is to wait 48-72 hours before training a muscle group again!

  • Form and Technique: As mentioned earlier, learning good form and technique (via peers or internet) is crucial to avoid injury and to get maximum benefit from your exercises

  • Variation: Switch up your routines every couple of months to avoid plateaus in your exercises.


Overall, cable chest exercises are SUPER effective for building and developing your chest muscles. I highly recommend to give the ones above a try!

Thank you so much for reading and I hope I was able to help your workout routine today!

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