Every great physique has many different parts to it that work together in order to make it look incredible.
Every major muscle group such as the back, arms and legs are all KEY to a great physique. But there is one muscle group that is probably the most popular muscle group in the fitness community, and that is the CHEST.
A well rounded physique MUST have a great chest.
Whether you are an experienced lifter, or even a beginner, building a great chest is a tough journey, but the reward of having one is an amazing REWARD.
In this article, I will show you basic chest anatomy, effective exercises to build the chest and a high-result chest routine that YOU CAN COPY in order for you to get started in building a great chest.
I will also include my personal chest workout routine at the end! Let's dive in!
Basic Anatomy of the Chest
Before we dive into how to build your chest, it is important for you to understand the basic chest anatomy in order for you to understand your muscle groups.
People who know their muscle groups in depth, are more likely to succeed in building lean muscle mass, as they know how to train their muscles, and which muscles to target.
There are 3 main parts of the chest that you must know, this is the UPPER CHEST, MIDDLE chest and the LOWER chest. Refer to the diagram below to understand where they are located in the body.
Although it doesn't seem like it on the diagram, it makes up of roughly 2/3 of your chest.
It is the most important chest muscle because it has the most mass.
Gets trained when doing incline movements for the chest.
The middle part of the chest
It is the chest muscle with the second most mass, but it's still important for chest aesthetics
Gets trained when with flat chest movements.
Lower part of the chest
Has the least amount of mass in the chest, but it is still important for that rounded chest look at the bottom of the chest
Gets trained with decline chest movements
It is incredibly important to understand chest anatomy to know which exercises train which muscles in the chest.
Effective Chest Exercises to Use
I'm about to name some effective chest exercises that you can use in your chest day routine, I will categorize them according to which part of the chest they activate the MOST.
This means that these exercises do hit the other parts of the chest, just not as much.
Remember to periodically switch up your routine to avoid plateaus.
Since there is a lot of exercises I am going to be naming, I won't have time to show you how they are done.
These exercises are super simple, look up how to do them on the internet and MAKE SURE to use good form and good technique when doing the chest exercises.
This will ensure you do not get injured while doing them as well as to make sure you are getting the FULL BENEFIT of each exercise.
The upper chest makes up for most of your chest muscles. It is the basis of an aesthetic looking chest as well as chest strength.
Some great upper chest workouts (or upper chest exercises) are usually comprised of exercises that require you to get an adjustable bench.
For upper chest exercises, it is recommended to use an incline of around 15-30 degrees for the best supper chest activation during the exercise.
My personal favorite from this list is the Incline Dumbbell Press!
Incline Dumbbell Bench Press (15-30 degree incline upwards)
Incline Barbell Bench Press (15-30 degree incline upwards)
Incline Press Machine
The middle chest is the part of the chest that can work all 3 parts of the chest when doing an exercise.
When doing a middle chest exercise, you will work the middle chest the most, but you will also add tension to both the upper and lower chest!
This movement is a classic movement as it requires you to be on a FLAT bench to do the movements.
Barbell Bench Press is the most popular exercise for the chest and it is a middle chest workout! It is great for adding strength to your bench press!
Other exercises such as machines and fly's also are GREAT for working the middle chest!
Flat Dumbbell Bench Press
Flat Barbell Bench Press
Chest Press Machine
The lower chest is the smaller portion of the chest, however this part of the chest is key for supporting other chest movements, as well as for a well rounded chest.
This muscle is worked usually with a decline bench machine or with chest exercises that require you to push downwards from your body.
My FAVOURITE exercise for this is DIPS, these are fantastic for building a great lower chest as well as strong triceps!
Decline Dumbbell Bench Press (15 degrees downward)
Lower Cable Cross-Over
If you aren't familiar with calisthenics, they are basically workouts that require you to lift/push your OWN BODY WEIGHT rather than using a machine or any from of weight.
A calisthenics chest workout is a SUPER effective way of working out, without even having to leave your home!
They are SUPER useful if you don't have a gym nearby, are on vacation, or don't have access to a gym!
They are also SUPER beginner friendly as you are working with your own body weight, instead of using weights.
Calisthenics have allowed people to put on LOTS of muscle mass and is truly a unique and AMAZING way of working out!
Here are GREAT exercises to use in a calisthenics chest workout:
Push Ups (Weighted or Unweighted)
Decline Push Ups (Lower Chest Emphasis)
Incline Push Ups (Upper Chest Emphasis)
Wide Grip Push Ups (Great for Feeling the Chest BURNING!)
NOTE: Make sure you look these exercises up in order to figure out good form and techniques.
MY Chest Workout Plan
Here is an example of my chest workout plan, I usually stick to this routine but I sometimes switch it up to accommodate for plateaus.
YourFitnessHelper's Chest Workout Plan
Incline Dumbbell Bench Press: 2xfailure + drop-set on last set
Incline Barbell Bench Press: 3x6
Chest-Press Machine: 1x10
Pec-Fly Machine: 2x15
NOTE: This workout plan may seem odd to some, that's because it is but it works for me! But notice how I am prioritizing upper chest and only doing enough Middle/Lower chest to get some activation, this is because the upper chest makes up most of your chest. That is why you should train it more!
Here's a beginner chest day routine to follow that is less advanced and more beginner friendly!
Beginner's Chest Workout Plan
Incline Dumbbell Bench Press: 4x10
Flat Barbell Bench Press: 2x10
Cable-Cross Over: 2x15
Before I sign off, it is SUPER important to look at some other aspects of bodybuilding that will help you grow your chest. I only gave you a chest routine, it's YOUR job that you use the rest of the advice I'm going to give. Without it you WON'T GROW.
Additional Tips for Muscle Gain
Nutrition: Make sure to get a good protein intake as well as eating whole and healthy foods! Gains are made in the kitchen!
Sleep: Aim for about 7-9 hours of sleep every night for adequate rest and recovery.
Progressive Overload: Make sure you are doing either more weight or more reps than the last time you did an exercise in the previous workout. This will ensure your muscles are under a lot of pressure and will be the basis of your training.
Consistency: You must be consistent in your training, recovery and nutrition. If you are not consistent, you will not grow!
Rest and Recovery: Allow your muscles good rest in between workouts, do not train a muscle group if it is still sore from it's last workout. The golden rule is to wait 48-72 hours before training a muscle group again!
Form and Technique: As mentioned earlier, learning good form and technique (via peers or internet) is crucial to avoid injury and to get maximum benefit from your exercises
Variation: Switch up your routines every couple of months to avoid plateaus in your exercises.
Overall building a fantastic chest is a rewarding experience that necessitates commitment, consistency, and the proper combination of exercises and nutrition.
Incorporate these suggestions into your workout routine, stay disciplined, and see your chest muscles become stronger and more defined over time. Remember that growth takes time, so be patient and consistent in your quest for a strong chest.
Just a young man trying to bring fitness to the world!