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Rudra Patel

A Quick and Easy Breakdown of Protein, Carbs and Fats

As we progress in our fitness lifestyles, the importance of education will seem to be prevalent. Whether it is education about rest, training or nutrition, it is important to stay educated about fitness as it is crucial to maintain a healthy lifestyle.

Today we will be talking about nutrition, arguable the most important topic in fitness, nutrition has a wide variety information to be educated on. But today we will be going back to the basics and are going to be doing a simple (yet effective) breakdown of the 3 main macronutrients as they are the building blocks of our diet.

Today we will be doing an overview about protein, carbohydrates and fats.



Macro Overview

Proteins are made from amino acids and are the basis for muscle growth and repair. It is a macronutrient that helps with making the body stronger (with strength based exercise of course) as the amino acids in the protein help repair our muscle fibers after they have undergone microtears during workouts.

 This repair also enlarges the muscle which in turn makes it bigger due to protein synthesis where the amino acids in the body create new proteins which contribute to muscle growth and repair (muscular hypertrophy). Keeping an adequate amount of protein in your diet will help you maintain muscles mass, supports immune functions and will improve your body's overall well-being.

How Much Protein Do I Need?

The amount of of protein you need is entirely dependent on your body weight, biological sex and fitness goals. I say that if you want to maintain muscle mass while being in a caloric deficit (eating less than your daily maintenance calories) then you should aim for 1g of protein/pound OR 2.2g of protein/kilogram of body weight.

If you are trying to add size to your body by bulking (eating over your daily maintenance calories) then you actually don't need as much protein. I recommend 0.8g of protein/pound OR 1.6g of protein/kilogram of body weight.

If you can not reach these levels of protein, then that's okay, just try as hard as you can to eat a protein rich diet. Also make sure to get a second opinion on other websites and calculators to get a more accurate result based on your body.

Sources of Protein

There are many ways you can get protein in your diet, the most prevalent ways are through meat and dairy. Almost every single type of meat will have a substantial amount of protein in it, the best meats to consume for good protein is seafood, lean beef and chicken. Other products that fall under dairy and similar categories are low fat cheese, milk, eggs and tofu.

Plate of fish
Fish is one of the highest protein sources that is low in calorie!


Carbohydrates (Carbs)

Macro Overview

Carbs play a huge role in our day-to-day lives being the PRIMARY energy source for our body. It's macronutrient function is solely based on it's ability to give the body energy. This is the macronutrient that should be taking up most of your eating in a day as it is very common and needed for energy.

There are 2 types of carbs

A simple carbohydrate is a type of carbohydrate that is easy to digest and a quick form of energy, however although the energy from simple carbs comes faster it often leads to blood sugar fluctuations and energy crashes later in the day.

A complex carbohydrates is a type of carbohydrate that is a little harder to digest and takes longer to dish out energy to the body. However, when the energy is given to the body it is sustainable and does not cause any sort of energy crash.

Sources of Carbohydrates

There are many sources of carbohydrates that we eat in our every-day lives, simple carbohydrates are usually the type that you want to avoid because they are found in sugary drinks, desserts and processed foods. Complex carbohydrates are the type of carbs that you should be indulging on as they are better for your body. Some sources of complex carbs are wheat (bread), legumes and vegetables.

Plate of pasta
Pasta is one of the most delicious complex carbohydrates you can eat!

It is important to have the right amount of carbohydrates in your body in order for you to stay energized during the day. Make sure to leave room for fats and protein.



Macro Overview

When you think of fats, you initially think that they are bad for your body and that they should be avoided. The fat you are thinking of is the fat that would be on an overweight's person's stomach, that fat is only accumulated when a person is eating very unhealthy and WAY over their daily maintenance calories as the extra food is stored as fat. Other unhealthy fats would be trans fats and saturated fats which as fats to avoid as they are bad for your body, especially the heart.

Healthy fats are the fats that we are talking about, healthy fats contain something called omega-3 fatty acids that are GREAT for the human body. These omega-3 fatty acids improve our cognitive brain function, are shown to reduce risk of heart disease by improving blood vessel function, facilitates hormone production and promotes the body's nutrient absorption.

How Much Should I Consume?

Although these healthy fats are great for your body, they are also the type of macronutrient that you should be eating the least as fats are the macro nutrient that has the highest amount of calories per gram compared to proteins and carbohydrates. So keep your healthy fat intake moderate and less than the other 2 macros.

Sources of Fats

You can find sources of unhealthy fats in almost every single unhealthy and processed food, but we do not want to go over these as they are bad for our body's. Sources for healthy fats are avocados, nuts and olive oil. These sources should be included in your daily diets as they will really help you stay healthier.

Avocados are my personal favorite healthy fat as they are delicious and can be paired with toast or tortilla chips for a great snack!

Guacamole is a delicious healthy fat food!


Quick Suggestions for Creating a Balanced Diet:

  • Accept dietary variety to guarantee a wide range of critical nutrients

  • Maintain a healthy calorie balance by being mindful of portion sizes

  • Prioritize hydration since water is essential for digestion and general health


Overall, Macronutrients are the essential threads that weave together a healthy and balanced lifestyle in the broad landscape of nutrition. Individuals may make informed decisions that not only nourish but also optimize their bodies for optimal performance by understanding the distinct roles of carbs, proteins, and lipids. Remember: the secret to vitality and energy is balance, and a conscious approach to diet is the ticket to a bright and energetic life.

I hope I was able to give you some important information today,

Thanks for reading!

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