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Rudra Patel

Yoga's Essence: Balancing Mind, Body, and Soul

Yoga emerges as a strong practice that not only supports our physical well-being but also cultivates a profound sense of mental clarity and inner harmony in today's fast-paced society, when the demands of daily life may sometimes leave us feeling overwhelmed and detached.

Yoga, it is a very well known wellness practice in the fitness world! Yoga's amazing benefits positively contribute to the human body's mental health and wellbeing.

Today we will be looking at the benefits of yoga as well as an overview of what it is and how it should be used.

Let's dive in to the wonderful world of yoga!

What is Yoga?

Yoga is originally a Hindu wellness practice that involves several different breathing and relaxation technique/practices, simple meditation and a variety of body poses to promote better body health.

Yoga is done all around the world and is known as a stress reliever for many and is the key to a more relaxed life!

person doing yoga


Is Yoga Exercise?

The short answer is YES, in a way.

Yoga involves you to put your body in difficult positions to relieve stress and anxiety as well as create a more mobile and functioning body.

This process does burn calories but it is a very small amount.

If you are overweight and are looking to lose a lot of weight or if you wish to pursue a body of lean muscle mass and strength, then I highly recommend you stick to cardio and strength training.


Yoga Benefits (Mental and Emotional)

There are MANY mental and emotional health benefits of doing regular yoga.

There was a study done which studied the benefits of yoga. They were able to conclude a variety of benefits for yoga.

The main benefit is stress relief, yoga allows you to relieve your body of stress, it allows you to access a form of inner peace which removes stress from your body. Meditation is the key to this peace. This inner peace you get from yoga allows yoga to be a great form of stress management.

Mental wellness, in today's hectic and fast moving world it is important to have mental wellness. Although this can be difficult for some, yoga can help. The study concluded that the people who did regular yoga had a positive mental health and were happier than they were before they did yoga.

Healthier Habits, the people who did regular yoga had proved to start having better self care. They were developing much healthier habits such as better cleanliness in their homes, eating cleaner, doing exercise outside of yoga and some even quit smoking!

Yoga can provide a lot of emotional balance and mental wellbeing to the human body, you should definitely give it a try!


Yoga Benefits (Physical)

Along with the mental health benefits there are LOADS of physical health benefits that yoga provides as well.

Better posture, if you are struggling to maintain better posture, yoga can help you with that. Since there are a variety of yoga poses to stretch out the body and mobilize it, by doing the right moves you can improve your posture!

Mobility, yoga poses will mobilize your body by making challenge yourself in doing a variety of stretching poses. Mobility is incredibly important for the human body as it drastically reduces your chances of arthritis and many bodily problems such as neck and back pain in the future.

Better Lungs, due to the variety of breathing/breath control exercises, yoga allows you to have better lungs. But practicing these breathing techniques and exercises you allow your lungs to not have to work as hard thus giving better breath health. This is incredibly beneficial for people who have asthma or any other breathing problems.

Strength, although yoga will not give nearly as many body strength benefits as strength training/weightlifting will, it still helps with strengthening the joints in your body which is crucial for your body's physical well being.

Balance, there are a variety of yoga poses that train you keep good balance and weight distribution throughout your body!

Overall, by participating in a variety of yoga exercises/poses, you will gain many physical benefits that are great for your current body, as well as your body in the future!

Overall yoga is an incredible wellness practice that can help the human body emotionally, mentally and physically! The benefits and the potential that yoga provides for the human body is limitless.

So try some yoga today, join a program or even just watch a YouTube video, either way JUST START.

Thank you for reading and Namaste!

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