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Rudra Patel

Running: The King of Cardio

Running, the relentless journey that not only propels you forward, but also sets in motion a cascade of cardiovascular power that surges with every step.

If you are looking to pursue running in your fitness journey, whether it is for a sport, a job, to lose weight or even to be healthier then look no further as this article will go over the benefits of running and why it is the King of Cardio.

Running is the Rolls Royce of cardio. It's simple, yet one of the most effective means of weight loss, fat loss, gaining better endurance and being healthier.

Join us, in this article we will go over the cardiovascular benefits of running, the fat loss aspect of running, and ways to make your run more enjoyable.

People running together
Running with some friends can provide an extra boost!


Cardiovascular Benefits of Running

Running/jogging not only works out the body, but it works out the heart.

That's why it is called "cardio" due to it being associated with the cardiovascular system in your body.

There was a study done in Denmark in 2013 which was a heart study regarding the live spans of people who are runners/joggers and they compared it to the people who do not exercise.

They compared theses results and found that "the age-adjusted increase in survival with jogging was 6.2 years for men and 5.6 years for women", meaning that people who ran/jogged ended up living longer by a significant amount of time.

This is no coincidence, rather it is proof that running and doing cardio is great for the body and does wonders for the heart.

This is because your heart is constantly being worked to provide blood flow to the body, and the need to flow blood in the body is dire when the body is exercising. This forces the heart to beat faster and pump more blood while exercising. Which in turn works out the heart and makes it healthier.

Thus, proving that running provides cardiovascular benefits along side an extended life span.


Running for Fat Loss

When you are one a jog/run, you will notice that you are sweating like a dog.

This is great as this means that you are burning calories from fat!

There is a misconception that all sweat is from burning fat, this is not true. The only way that the sweat on your body can be comprised of mostly fat is if the body is doing intense physical exercise such as running. If you are sweating in a sauna or on a hot day, that sweat is coming from your body's water stores.

Running is a great way to lose fat and weight as well, the more calories you burn, the more weight you will lose (if you are taking proper care of your nutrition).

To prove running burns fat, a study done in 2015 shows that "An average running distance of more than 5 km per week in runners who took up running to lose weight combined with a targeted diet change seems effective in reducing fat mass.".

I recently went on a run recently and it was the first time in a long time that I went on a run. All I can say is that by the end of my 4 kilometer run, I was EXHAUSTED. However, I was drenched in my own sweat. I was burning so many calories it was incredible.

Although this feels gross, I was extremely happy as I knew it meant I was burning loads of calories from fat.

I personally recommend that you start running/jogging to help lose fat.


Running Techniques, Tips and Advice

If you decide to embark on the wonders of jogging/running, here are some pointers and some advice that you must know.

We all want to lose fat and be lean, but this is a processed that should not be rushed. You do not want to go overkill in hopes of speeding the process of fat loss and better health. You must have patience in order to be forever sustainable when it comes to better health.

The study mentioned earlier suggests "optimal quantity of jogging seemed to be 1–2.4 hours per week". This is the maximum amount you should be running every week for the most sustainable results.

Running for beginners can be tough, many people can find running/jogging very difficult as they are most likely new to fitness and do not have the greatest cardio. THIS IS OKAY.

I was in the exact situation and here are some of the tips I can give for the beginner runners.


Reference Point: 1 Mile= 1.6 Kilometers

1. When embarking on jogs/runs, try to run until you get really tired, and then take a break and simply just walk. Once you have caught your breath, start running again and repeat the cycle.

2. Set goals mid run, if you go on a regular route for running you can try to beat your last performance, if you ran a kilometer before taking a break to catch your breath, then the next day you should try to run 1.5 kilometers the next day before catching your breath. By setting goals you will push your body further and get better cardio.

3. Try to pick nice areas to run in, the scenery can be a really great distraction from how tired your body can get while running/jogging.

4. Try to focus on each step, when I'm well into my run I like to focus on my steps and only my steps, this allows me to divert my focus from the intense exercise my body is going through and allows me to get more distance before I take a break.

5. Listen to music, bring music with you, it will help a lot, trust me.

6. Remember what you are doing this for, exercise can really suck sometimes, but if you remember that you are doing this for yourself, then it will discipline you to get after your goals!

7. PACE YOURSELF, you don't wanna lose all of your energy in the first 5 minutes.

I hope these tips will help you, because they sure helped me!

For better help for running, you can always contact your local running community if you have one, having company in your journey can be a great help. Going to running events can be a great way to make some fitness friends as well!

If you have a treadmill, feel free to use it on days you do not want to go outside. Treadmills allow customization for your run which can be great with running indoors.

But if you ask me, running outdoors is where the real fun is.


Overall, running is the King of Cardio, it is genuinely one of the best ways to lose fat, achieve better health and is a great hobby to have. Although it will be hard sometimes, I believe in you to go after your fitness goals! Well what are you waiting for, get outside and start RUNNING!

Thanks for reading!

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