.A HUGE part of working out is facing the negative parts of putting your body under a lot of tension and pressure, this being INJURIES.
Almost everyone who pursues fitness, exercise or a sport will face an injury at least once while they are doing so. Some injuries can be REALLY bad, these injuries can end a professional athlete's career.
DON'T BE SCARED, these types of injuries do not happen often with the average person, only for competitive athletes. Most injuries are simple injuries that can be treated with the proper techniques.
Some common injuries are usually associated with muscles and joints, some examples are a pulled shoulder, pulled hamstring, knee injury and many more.
Today I am going to be showing you how to recover from an injury that is related to exercise! So let's get into it!

Table of Contents
Hydration and Nutrition
Stretching and Gradual Return to Activities
1. Rest
The #1 thing that you should be doing when recovering from an injury is to make sure that you get adequate rest. This will allow the muscle or joint to recover MUCH faster.
By doing movements that put pressure on the injury area, you not only set yourself up to get an even worse injury, but you also increase the amount of time it will take you to recover from the injury.
So if your injured, make sure you kick back and relax a little!
2. Hydration and Nutrition
Another thing that is CRUCIAL to recover from an injury (especially to the muscle) is to make sure that you are eating healthy and nutritious food, as well as drinking a LOT of water!
Drinking plenty of water and eating plenty of food with vitamins, minerals, carbs and protein will give your muscles a LOT to heal and get better again.
When I was suffering with a shoulder injury, drinking LOTS of water helped me recover much faster than I thought.
I recommend that you drink roughly 5 litres of water (or a little more than a gallon) to keep your muscles primed for injury recovery.
3. Stretching and Gradual Return to Activities
Another thing that helped me recover from my shoulder injury that I had, was to do a LOT of stretching and to gradually get back to my normal exercise activities.
Pairing this with the rest of the things mentioned will help you RECOVER MUCH FASTER as it will allow you to give your muscles and joints EVERYTHING IT NEEDS TO RECOVER FAST.
I recommend looking up good stretches for your injury and to do them every single day for about 20 minutes. Then I would also recommend that you gradually get back into the activities that you did before your injury.
For example: For my shoulder injury, I would stretch before my workouts and when I were to do shoulder exercises, I would make sure to use a MUCH lighter weight than normal.
4. Ice
Ice is always a good thing for dealing with injuries. By applying ice to the area of injury, you will numb the pain of the injury and reduce inflammation to the area.
Simply wrap some ice in a thin cloth and apply the ice cloth to the area of injury for about 3 intervals of 5 minutes each.
5. Compression
Using a compression wrap or sleeve on the area of injury will provide good blood flow, heat and stability to the area of injury.
All of these factors will help you recover from an injury MUCH faster. If you use wraps and sleeves during workouts you can also prevent your chance of having an injury in the future as well!
CAUTION: Make sure not to wrap or compress too tight as it will impede your blood flow to the muscle, WHICH IS BAD.
Overall, these are the BEST things to do to recover from an injury. By making sure you get adequate rest, drinking lots of water and eat good food and apply ice to the injured area, you will give your body enough time to heal.
Furthermore, by stretching and gradually getting back to normal activities you will allow yourself to get back to normal MUCH faster, this process can be aided by using compression wraps and sleeves on the injured areas.
Thanks for reading and I hope you have a fast recovery!

Just a young man trying to bring fitness to the world!