The back, one of the most dominant muscle groups in the body but surprisingly it's also one of the most neglected body parts.
The reason for this is due to people not being able to see their back without a mirror, although this is 100% true it does not mean that you should not train the back all together.
Having a strong muscular back has many benefits, it reduces chances of back pain, it makes your ability to pull your body weight easier and it LOOKS AMAZING!
An aesthetic back is one of the most sought out achievements in the fitness community.
In today's post we will be looking at how to train your back and make it look great!
We will also look at the anatomy of the back as well as the exercises involved in training them, my back routine will also be included at the end of the article so make sure to stick around!
Back Anatomy
There are many different parts of the back, however there are a few main muscles that have the most impact on the aesthetics and the strength of the back.
Although you can see a lot of different muscles in the back, let me narrow it down for you so you aren't confused on what you should be training.
There are 4 main muscles you need to train when it comes to the back, these muscles are.....
Latissimus Dorsi: The large part of the back that is mainly for the width of the back, training these will give you a very aesthetic v-taper!
Trapezius: These is the upper part of the back, this part of the back makes the upper back look complete and plays a vital role in the strength and stability of the back.
Rear Deltoids: These are the rear part of the shoulder's, they fall under the back category as they give the upper part of the back a complete look, as well as help with your body's posture.
Lower Back: The Lower Back is the white part of the image that doesn't have a label. Although it may not seem important at first glance, it is CRUCIAL to build your lower back to prevent lower back pain after exercise. This muscle supports your entire upper body.
There are many other muscles in the back that are vital to strength and aesthetics such as the teres major, teres minor, rhomboid major and the erector spinae, however these are not muscles that can be isolated.
This means that these muscles are trained when doing the training for either 3 of the main muscle groups.
Exercises for The Back
Here is a quick run-down of the exercises you should do when you are looking to train your back, make sure you use these exercises to proper proportion to body size!
NOTE: These exercises WILL train your back, but the only way to make it grow it through right nutrition, proper training and good sleep.
Latissimus Dorsi
The Latissimus Dorsi is one of the most popular back muscles for individuals to train, when this muscle is built, it improves the width of your back, giving an aesthetic v-taper look.
The "Lats" are usually built by doing a variety of cable back workouts, whether you're using the lat-pulldown machine or doing a normal cable row. But, there are exercises that can target that lats using dumbbells, such as the one=handed dumbbell row.
The one-handed dumbbell row is definitely one of the best back dumbbell exercises!
Here is a list of 6 exercises that will help you target your back muscles effectively. (Make sure to look these exercises up for good form and technique!)
Lat Pulldown (Any grip, Any attachment)
Lat Pullover
One-handed dumbbell row (One of the best back dumbbell exercises)
Seated Cable Rows (A GREAT choice for cable back workouts!)
Reverse-Grip Rows
The trapezius is the upper part of your back, it is the more thick and muscular part of the back that comprises of 2 parts, upper and lower "traps".
There are many exercises that can target this muscle. But my personal favorite are the barbell shrugs (for the upper traps) and bent-over rows (specifically wide grip).
The barbell shrugs are my favorite exercise for targeting the upper traps as they are GREAT for building them and provide a solid burn. It is great barbell back workout!
Bent-over rows are by far one of the best compound exercises ever! It targets many muscles in your back and will provide you with a great burn after the workout!
Here is a list of back exercises that target the trapezius VERY well!
Barbell Shrugs
Wide Grip Rows
Seated Cable Rows (A GREAT choice for cable back workouts!)
Face Pulls
Bent-Over Rows (This is the BEST Barbell back workout, it targets almost every muscle in the back!)
Rear Delt
The rear deltoid is one of the most neglected exercises as many people don't consider it as an important muscle to train. THIS IS FALSE!!!
Building the rear deltoid not only has practical uses (such as posture improvements) but also has improvements in physique.
It allows for an aesthetic looking back and a big looking shoulder. Rear "delts" are worked when doing rowing movements but should still be exercised individually.
The best workouts for the rear delts are the rear-delt fly and the dumbbell reverse-fly. These are the best rear delt exercises for dumbbells.
Rear-Delt Flies
Dumbbell Reverse Flies
Bent-Over Rows
Lower Back
The lower back is the biggest problem area in people's body's when they get older. This is because of the lack of stability it has when you get older.
You can prevent this by training your lower back and make it get stronger! Your lower back it SUPER important for overall back strength and to provide longevity for your health.
Some fantastic exercises for the lower back are deadlifts and back raises!
Deadlifts are among the most legendary back compound exercises. It targets more than just the lower back and is a great test of strength!
Back raises are fantastic as well, they put tension on your lower back and allows it to build resistance strength.
Initially, you will feel a LOT of soreness if you start these exercises for the first time. However, the more you train your back, the less lower back pain after exercise!
Back Raises
REMINDER: For All the exercises I haven't provided as rough description for nor a photo, PLEASE LOOK THEM UP. As they are fantastic for building muscle and targeting your back muscle!!!
As you can see there is a lot of repeats in these lists, this is due to there being a variety of grips you can use to train different muscles. Also, some exercises train most of the back at the same time, these exercises include rows and pull-ups.
Another thing to remember is that rowing movements build back thickness, and that pulling movements build back width!
Also, remember to use rep-ranges from 6-12 will prime the back for hypertrophy!
YourFitnessHelper's Back Routine
Lat Pulldowns 2x Failure
One-Handed Dumbbell Row 2x10
Bent Over Rows 3x8
Machine Rows 2x10
Rear-Delt Flies 3x15
Before I sign off, here are some tips for muscle gain that you NEED to follow in order to succeed in building any type of muscle.
Additional Tips for Muscle Gain
Nutrition: Make sure to get a good protein intake as well as eating whole and healthy foods! Gains are made in the kitchen!
Sleep: Aim for about 7-9 hours of sleep every night for adequate rest and recovery.
Progressive Overload: Make sure you are doing either more weight or more reps than the last time you did an exercise in the previous workout. This will ensure your muscles are under a lot of pressure and will be the basis of your training.
Consistency: You must be consistent in your training, recovery and nutrition. If you are not consistent, you will not grow!
Rest and Recovery: Allow your muscles good rest in between workouts, do not train a muscle group if it is still sore from it's last workout. The golden rule is to wait 48-72 hours before training a muscle group again!
Form and Technique: As mentioned earlier, learning good form and technique (via peers or internet) is crucial to avoid injury and to get maximum benefit from your exercises
Variation: Switch up your routines every couple of months to avoid plateaus in your exercises.
As you can see, the back is a dynamic and aesthetic muscle that is a necessity to train when you are in the gym.
Being able to understand the anatomy of the back, the exercises to train it and being able to see an example routine will prime you for a strong and aesthetic back. I hope you will use the tips today to help you in your fitness journey!
Thank you so much for reading and I hope to see you next time!
Just a young man trying to bring fitness to the world!