If you are a beginner in fitness, you will often see others taking fitness supplements such as creatine, protein powder, pre-workout, BCAAs and many more.
These supplements are nutritional supplements that give you benefits that allow you to reach your fitness goals faster.
For example: Creatine boosts muscle growth and water retention, making your muscles look bigger, grow faster and the supplement will also enhance your performance in the gym as well.
However there is an overbearing question in regards to supplements, "are they even necessary?".
Today we will be breaking down whether or not supplements are necessary to reach your fitness goals.
What do Supplements Do?
Just to clearly state, you can achieve your ideal fitness WITHOUT HAVING TO USE DIET SUPPLEMENTS!!
The only thing that supplements do, is to boost your performance and muscle growth and allow you to achieve your goals easier, faster and more effectively.
For example: You don't need protein power supplements if you already have a diet that consists of adequate protein to build or preserve muscle, but protein powder surely helps with reaching your protein intake goals!

I personally use protein powder and BCAAs so I can get the most out of my protein, as I find it difficult to get a high protein intake.
Overall, you don't need supplements to achieve your goals, but continue reading on how they can help you reach them much faster.
Benefits of Supplementation
As mentioned earlier supplements are NOT NEEDED to reach your goals, but lets run through a couple common supplements used in fitness and assess how they can help you reach your goals faster.
Protein Powder:
Protein powder will help those who struggle to get a high protein intake as it is a quick and easy way to get a lot of protein in at once
Protein is one of the keys for building muscle, so by keeping a high protein diet you set yourself to succeed in building muscle
Although your body naturally produces creatine, this supplement will boost the levels in your body and will allow yourself to build muscle faster, retain more water in your muscle and boost your performance in the gym
An increase in creatine levels by a high amount isn't very doable naturally which is why this supplement can be really great
This supplement will let your body synthesize protein much better in your body, setting you up for better muscle growth
If you don't have a high protein diet, then this supplement will make the MOST out of your protein that you do consume (especially if you are in a weight loss stage)
BCAA's and other amino acids can be naturally attained with proper nutrition
This supplement will provide you with a boost during your workouts
This will allow you to get a better quality workout which indirectly leads to muscle growth and performance enhancement
There are naturally energy boosters such as good sleep, good meal before a workout or having a tablespoon of honey with a pinch of salt before your workout
Overall, a short answer is NO, you do NOT NEED supplements in order to achieve your ideal fitness. BUT, they surely help.
By using supplements are boosters to allow you to get closer in achieving your ideal fitness, you will be able to make the most out of the supplement in order to reach your dream physique!
Thank you for reading and I hoped this helped!

Just a young man trying to bring fitness to the world!