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Anabolic Steroids: The Danger Drug

Rudra Patel

You may have heard the term "roids" and "gear" a lot once you get more exposed to the gym environment both in the gym and on social media. These terms refer to anabolic steroids, anabolic steroids in simple terms, are drugs that enhance the body's ability to....

Recover from workouts, Produce testosterone, Build Muscle, and Stay lean.

Although this seems amazing, it is EXTREMELY DETRIMENTAL for your health. Steroids have lifelong side effects as well as many negative health effects. The short term gratification of having a great body on steroids will turn into a lifetime of health problems and even a shorter life.

This article will further explain what a steroid is and the negative health effects they have on the human body.

By the end of the article you will have an in-depth understanding on why you should not so steroids.


What are Anabolic Steroids?

Anabolic Steroids are growth hormones that are injected into your bloodstream in order to enhance muscle growth, improve performance and speed up recovery times.

They are widely used by athletes and body builders to perform better in competition.

However, nowadays there are so many people who use steroids who do not even compete, they simply take them to get a better body for themselves.

This is getting more common and it needs to stop, steroids are detrimental to the human body and should not be touched.

I am not going to name any common steroids as I do not want curious readers to further explore these detrimental growth hormones.


Legal Issues

Most steroids are actually illegal in most places around the world, the reason they are produced are to enhance the growth of other things that are not humans.

Such as plants and livestock. You can get fined or even arrested for being in possession of certain steroids.


Side Effects of Anabolic Steroids

There are a number of side effects that come with taking steroids, some are short term and only happen when you are on a steroid cycle, others are long term effects that resonate with you your entire life.

Here is a list of the main side effects from steroids according to Mayo Clinic, one of the worlds leading clinics for medical information. Check out what they have to say about Anabolic Steroids

1. High Blood Pressure/Heart Problems

In order for steroids to work, they require your body to be constantly working hard to produce the results they give, which in turn give you high blood pressure. Furthermore, they also make your heart work at unmanageable intensities which cause many heart problems for the body.

2. Growth Hindrance

Especially when taken at a young age, steroids impede on the growth of the human body, this can range from lack of height growth to even lack of brain development.

3. Emotional Issues

Steroids can cause many negative emotional issues such as in increased vulnerability to anger and rage issues. Steroids can also cause depression by the hormone imbalances that are caused by them.

4. Addiction

Steroid addiction is very common amongst young people, social media is mostly at fault for this as social media display unrealistic body standards which create insecurities for younger audiences. This in turn makes people want to take even more steroids. Furthermore, steroids make workouts easier and allow individuals to move more weight which causes individuals to want to take even more steroids.

5. Weaker Tendons

Tendons are cords that connect muscle to bone, by taking steroids you weaken these tendons which in turn make you much vulnerable to your muscles tearing right off the bone!

6. Testosterone Production Hindrance

Most steroids used by individuals are often forms of testosterone mixed with other growth hormones. By artificially injecting testosterone in your body, it gives the body the impression that there is no more need to produce testosterone naturally. This will result in extremely low testosterone production once the body is not taking steroids anymore.

Low testosterone is a HORRIBLE thing, it causes increased body fat, decreased strength and muscle mass, fragile bones and unbearable fatigue.

7. Reduced Lifespan

Steroids are proven to cause many organ problems which in turn results in people who abuse them to pass away at early ages.


Know More About the Body

  • Every professional body builder is on steroids.

  • Almost 80% of the most famous fitness influencers are on steroids.

  • The physically strongest people in the world are on steroids.

Steroids have completely ruined the perception of what is naturally achievable by the human body.

Chris Bumstead
The physique in the picture above seems incredible doesn't it? This is Chris Bumstead, a 4 Time Mr. Olympia Winner and yes, he is on steroids.

However he and many other athletes are open about their steroid use as they do not want to create unrealistic standards for others. This is because they are mature people who do not want to misguide others.

However, social media is riddled with people who lie about their natural status ("natural" or "natty" referring to someone who has never used steroids).

There are loads of people with incredible physiques who claim they have never touched a steroid when they have a physique that can not be achieved naturally. They lie about their steroid use for validation and views.

People with decent gym knowledge can tell if someone is on steroids or not, but majority of people have no idea. This is why you need to be extremely carful on social media and not get misguided by "influencers" who lie and misguide others.


Overall, anabolic steroids are something that you should stay away from. Even though they give amazing fitness benefits it is NOT WORTH the detrimental consequences involved.

Instead, you should stay natural and build a good and healthy physique without the use of artificial growth hormone, although the physique you will build won't be as incredible as others, it will still look amazing.

By being natural you allow yourself to live a longer and healthier life, with a decreased chance to develop organ issues or other bodily issues.

Skip the steroids, be natural!

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